With a better potential in growing and good yields in long term investments, unlisted securities are more result-driven. The unlisted equities are not recommended to all investor class as it comes under highly aggressive category. The investment horizon for equity investors is more than 5 to 7 years.
Why trading in Unlisted Equities ?
Our expert panel of professionals helps you to select the best companies with the potential to list within 3-5 years. So we help you to discover suitable opportunities that will assist you in making investments with fundamentally strong companies. Our portal helps in providing an up-to-date market scenario to make vivid decisions on investments. Our extensive research and data analysis give you a good range of unlisted equities to invest in, that we facilitate for our clients for their desired wealth creation. Our strong credibility and transparency in executing deals make us a company that aligns with you in offering solutions at every step of your investment.
Some other notable features are –
- No Hidden Charges It is our priority to let our clients know the real pricing of their buying/selling activities.
- Prompt and Secured Transactions Secured payment getaways to give you a platform that is hassle-free, and 100% secure.
- Customer-Centric Team Our team is user-centric and we ensure that we understand your financial objectives and keep you well-informed in the journey of investment.
- Fastest Turnaround Time
Our effective transactions are recorded that enable us to credit the unlisted shares into the client’s account within 24 hours, which makes us stand ahead amongst our peers in the industry.